How To Apply For Tax Fine Reduction or VAT Penalty Waiver In Dubai, UAE

Facing penalties from the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) in the UAE? Looking to waive your fines or set up an installment plan to ease the burden? If so, you’ve come to the right place. FTA in the UAE imposes penalties on businesses that do not comply with laws or are involved in severe violations. However, […]
15 Easy Steps You Can Turn UAE VAT Return Filing into Success

Ensuring your VAT return filing is accurate and timely is crucial for maintaining compliance and avoiding penalties. Here are 15 easy steps to transform your VAT Return Filing Services In UAE into a successful process. Understand UAE VAT Laws Before you begin, familiarize yourself with UAE’s VAT regulations. Knowing the rules helps ensure compliance and […]
What Are The Requirements For VAT Registration In UAE

The process of registering for Value Added Tax (VAT) in the UAE involves various key steps and the fulfillment of specific requirements. When you register your business under UAE VAT legislation, it signifies that the government has officially recognized your business. In the registration process, the first step is to check the eligibility criteria, and […]
How To Do VAT Payment Using GIBAN In Dubai, UAE?

The government in the UAE has taken several steps to digitalize the tax procedure and its payment process. In this scenario, FTA has introduced a new method of paying tax commonly known as GIBAN (Generated International Bank Account Number) to facilitate the VAT payment by persons registered under VAT. A registered taxpayer can use this […]
How To Make VAT Payments To FTA In UAE?

All registered taxpayers in the UAE need to file VAT returns monthly or quarterly. If the output VAT is more than what can be recovered, the difference is a VAT liability to be paid to the FTA. EmaraTax has been launched by the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) for VAT payments in the UAE. If you […]
What Is Emaratax Portal By Federal Tax Authority In UAE?

The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has launched EmaraTax, an integrated and user-friendly digital tax platform, aiming to enhance the tax experience and provide online access to all services. Introduced on December 5, 2022, EmaraTax ensures a smooth transition from the old system, with all user data seamlessly transferred. Visit E-services for access to FTA’s online […]
How To Implement VAT In Your Business In UAE

Since January 1, 2018, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has enforced a 5% Value Added Tax (VAT) on goods and services in line with the GCC agreement. The VAT is an indirect tax, which is mandatory for those businesses whose goods and services (excluding any exempt supplies) amount exceed AED 375,000 in 12-month period. In […]
Insights On Group VAT Registration: Conditions, Benefits & Process To Register

In many countries, VAT tax groups, or group registration, allow multiple companies to register collectively under a single control. The representative member manages VAT returns and payments, while all members share liability. Internal transactions within the group are unrestricted, requiring no specific VAT accounting. Group registration results in a single VAT number for the entire […]
What Is Zero VAT & VAT Exemptions: List of Zero Rated & Exempted Supplies

In the UAE business community, a debate has arisen on the difference between Zero-rated VAT and exempted VAT since the implementation of VAT is set to be on 1 January 2018. The concepts of Zero-rated VAT and exempted VAT hold significant differences. Zero-rated VAT entails the obligation to impose VAT at a 0% rate, while […]
How To Claim VAT Refund In UAE For Business?

Businesses registered under the FTA must report their sales and purchases for each tax period through a VAT return. Input VAT, the amount paid on purchases, is balanced against Output VAT, the amount collected on sales. There are two outcomes: If Input VAT is less than Output VAT, it leads to VAT Payable, requiring payment […]